
Concrete repair spurs

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Concrete repair spurs

For the repair of existing wooden posts that have rotted off around ground level.

Fitting instructions. Dig out a hole 600mm deep against the rotted post. Ensure that all the old cement on the face of the post is removed so the repair spur can fit up flat against it. Place the concrete repair spur in the hole and mark up the bolt holes. Remove the spur and drill the holes through the wooden post. Replace the concrete spur into the hole and bolt it to the wooden post. Then apx a bag of Post Mix Concrete into the hole. Using a watering can with a fine rose, pour clean water around the post’s base. After just two minutes don’t walk away, keep checking vertical alignment of the post with the spirit level.

Adjust post positioning if needed. Repeating this process, pouring water onto the post at ground level until the hole is filled. Setting takes only 15-20 minutes.

Full instructions are also printed on every 20kg bag of Post Mix Concrete making it easy.

We supply Post mix, details of which can be found here

A video showing the installation of these here

If you find the post or posts are in too poor a condition, we also stock new ones in various widths and sizes, details here

For 3″ (75mm) square post there is also the option of a drive in repair spike instead which are listed with our various post supports.

Our Concrete repair spurs are 4″ (100mm) square, are reinforced with metal rod and are predrilled to aid fixing to the wooden post.


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